What's the State of the Westside? What's happened? What's next? Register to Find Out!
Join the Malibu Pacific Palisades Chamber and the entire Westside Council of Chambers of Commerce (WC3) for a "State of the Westside" event featuring renowned economist Dr. Christopher Thornberg from Beacon Economics on Tuesday, April 1 from 5:00-7:00pm, online only.
Discussion of an economic report based on recent research data on the Westside communities by zip code (including Malibu and Pacific Palisades!), focused on insights and industry trends we can expect to emerge, as well as a comparison of the performance of the westside economy to the surrounding regions by demographics, industry sectors, number and types of jobs, job growth, and average wages, wage growth, and much more! The presentation will include areas of vulnerability based on the nature of economic activities in each community, issues facing the economy, and the effects of the wildfires on the communities.
Printed courtesy of www.Malibu.org – Contact the Malibu Pacific Palisades Chamber of Commerce for more information.
PO Box 925, Malibu, CA 90265 – (310) 456-9025 – ceo@Malibu.org