• Rochman Trademark Law

    Rochman Trademark Law


    Attorney - Patent & Trademark

    About Us

    Joan Rochman and Jessica Slusser met in 2004 while working at Manatt, Phelps & Phillips LLP, a multidisciplinary law firm, nationally renowned for its intellectual property and litigation practices. Ms. Rochman focused on trademark prosecution and brand management, while Ms. Slusser specialized in intellectual property procurement and enforcement. They found that their individual fields complemented each other’s and together they are able to offer a full menu of intellectual property services. Both were eager to cultivate their own practice, one that would effectively intersect their expertise with their respective interests. Rochman Slusser Law opened its doors in 2018 and their dream was realized. This intellectual property boutique is driven by its partners' passion to offer the full breadth of intellectual property services that their shared experience affords.Firm specializes in Trademark Law. Can assist with all trademark matters including clearing, registering and protecting trademarks.


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    Joan Rochman
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