Painting, Fine ArtCemetery, Funeral & Headstones
About Us
Fine Art, Sculpture and Memorials. contemporary figurative oil paintings, works on paper, Sculptures in bronze, stone and ceramics, Memorials - headstones, monuments, Digital & Stone llc.
Video Media
Launch of the Digital Memorials
Natural Stone Memorial
Burt Reynolds Memorial
Animal portraits
Flowers Forever
Tree of Life headstone
Eternal Flame
Tree Of Life- Digital Memorial
Rep/Contact Info
View Personal BioCaroline JonesI have been a practicing professional artist for 30 years. With studios in UK, Spain, Hong Kong, Nepal and USA. I've drawn from an international cultural collective to create, exhibit and sell my series of works from Art Fairs to private Galleries. In 2003 I did an ornamental and architectural stone carving degree whilst pregnant with my first child, and so these epic journeys I'd taken across vast expanses of land became ones across surfaces. In the last few years I have expanded my sculptural skills into creating Fine Art Memorials and Monuments. Personal remembrances for those we love, ascending places and sitting stones, portraits of animals and people and embodiments of spiritual beliefs. I work with traditional and non-traditional requests, cemeteries, green spaces and public areas to create unique Fine Art Memorials.
www.cpmjones.comTell a Friend
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