• Prism Permits Expediting


    Permit Expediter

    About Us

    Planning, permit expediting, and project management/coordination firm. Prism is for all facets of development.

    Growing up in construction, real estate, and property development led me to my first government planning job thirty years ago made it an easy transition back to the private sector being a liaison between the private and public sectors. Twenty years ago, still working as a City planner for government, I felt the need to reach out and help those on the other side of the counter to navigate the process and help make it less painful in an often complicated labyrinth of government procedures and policies. I started Prism.

    We do Coastal Development Permits, Subdivisions, Lot Line Adjustments, Mergers, Lot Ties, Zoning Map amendments, Zoning text amendments, additions and remodels, septic systems, swimming pools, hillside construction, and beachfront construction as well as code violation abatement and property feasibility analysis in addition to assistance with transportation planning. We handle all aspects of construction permitting and coordination of the team through the process and throughout construction and serve as the liaison to the City. We also handle permits that most expediters don't such as police permits, temporary water and power permits, CalTrans encroachment permits, LADOT permits for striping in the right of way for handicapped spaces, etc.

  • Senator Ben Allen's

    L.A. Fire Resource Guide


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  • California State Treasurer Fiona Ma's CalCap Assistance for Small Businesses