• Topanga Lumber & Hardware Co., Inc.

    Topanga Lumber & Hardware Co., Inc.


    Hardware & LumberBuilding SuppliesEmergency Preparedness

    About Us

    Topanga Lumber & Hardware Co. Inc., is a building materials/hardware supplier providing custom home builders, professional remodelers, commercial contractors, and discerning homeowners. Our history reflects a long-term commitment to quality and customer service.

    Topanga Lumber & Hardware Co. Inc., offers a wide variety of products from plywood, laminated veneer lumber, engineered wood products, traditional wood products, railroad ties, landscape timbers, doors and windows, I-joists, plumbing , electrical, treated lumber, drainage pipe, septic tanks, shingles, felt, gutter supplies, cement, cement block, mortar, sand, gravel, Simpson hangers, insulation, deck paints and stains, custom color match paint, paint, moulding, power tools, hand tools, woodworking tools, lawn and garden tools and supplies, nuts and bolts, fasteners, decorative knobs, cabinet hardware, kitchen sinks, stoves, stove pipe, special order island barbeque and specialty items in-stock and items easily special ordered at both our locations at competitive pricing. Visit our web-site of valued name brand suppliers.

    Competitive pricing for most orders is our objective so give us a call today for a quote and or order by phone. Ask us about our free delivery for new customers. We offer deliveries six days a week.
    We are your one stop shop serving all of Los Angeles and Sou


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  • Senator Ben Allen's

    L.A. Fire Resource Guide


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  • California State Treasurer Fiona Ma's CalCap Assistance for Small Businesses